Search results for "kʷɨtɨr ʸ"

kʷɨtɨr ʸ n. tail queue (11 groups, 26 languages) B
This root is well attested across the Central Chadic languages. The initial *kʷ has a wider range of reflexes than with other roots. These reflexes include *hʷ, *w, *gʷ, *g and *f, and are all unestablished. In Gidar the labialisation component has been reanalysed as the labialisation prosody, which is a common sporadic process. The *t has the unestablished reflexes /d/ and /ⁿd/ in some languages. In Glavda, *t is palatalised by the palatalisation prosody, and *tʲ→kʲ due to the regular process of velarisation of palatalised alveolars. *r has the regular reflex *l in the North sub-branch and in Proto-Daba, with a few irregular exceptions.

1Proto-Bata *hʷɨtɨrɨ tail queue 1.1) Sharwa (Gravina) hutɨrə queue

2Proto-Daba *kʷɨtɨl ʸ tail queue 2.1) Buwal (Viljoen) kutel tail queue 2.2) MazagwayHidi (Noussi) kʷetir queue

3Proto-Mafa *hʷɨtar tail queue 3.1) Mafa (Barreteau) fútór queue 3.2) Cuvok (Gravina) hʷadar tail queue

4Proto-Sukur *tur tail queue 4.1) Sukur (David) tur tail 4.2) Sukur (Thomas) tur tail:- a long thin park at the back of animals normally they used it to protect them from fly.

5Proto-Hurza *kʷɨtar ʸ tail queue 5.1) Mbuko (Gravina) guter tail queue 5.2) Vame (Kinnaird) kuter tail queue 5.2.1) Vame (Kinnaird) kʷītér tail queue

6Proto-Mandara *kʷɨtɨlɨ ʸ tail queue 6.1) Podoko (Swackhammer) fətəla,-ə queue 6.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) uktere la queue (f) 6.2.1) Mandara (Fluckiger) ugdere queue (f) 6.2.2) Mandara (Fluckiger) katalíá queue (f) 6.3) Malgwa (Löhr) gatalija tail 6.4) Glavda (Nghagyiva) xùkʲla tail 6.4.1) Glavda (Owens) xʷçə tail 6.5) Dghwede (Frick) xʷtəle tail

7Proto-Mofu *hʷɨtɨl ʸ tail queue 7.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) àftə̀l tail queue 7.2) Muyang (Smith) hutul tail queue 7.3) Moloko (Friesen) hʷəter tail queue 7.4) Gemzek (Sabatai) gutel tail queue 7.5) Merey (Gravina) hutel tail queue 7.6) Dugwor (Jubumna) mətel tail queue 7.7) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) deŋgʷél queue (Mokong) 7.7.1) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) gʷeⁿdél queue (Gudur)

8Proto-Lamang *hʷɨtir tail queue 8.1) Lamang (Wolff) hʷtir tail 8.2) Hdi (Bramlett) hutur tail la queue

9Proto-Higi *twɨlɨ tail queue 9.1) Kirya (Blench) twə́lə́ tail

10Proto-Gidar *kɨtɨrɨ ʷ tail queue 10.1) Gidar (Schuh) kutəro/0 queue 10.2) Gidar (Hungerford) kutur, kuturo queue

11Proto-Musgum *gɨɗar ʸ, hɨntɨl ʷ tail queue 11.1) Vulum (Tourneux) giɗer queue 11.1.1) Mbara (Tourneux) huntul tail queue
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